

f o r e r u n n e r

One that precedes and indicates the approach and coming of someone or something else.

A sign or warning of something to come.

l i f e s t y l e

The way in which a person lives.

A set of habits and attitudes associated with a particular person or group.

“Fellowship of Burning Hearts” is the community of forerunners in Burning Hearts who have chosen to live intentionally with accountability. Base on the life of John the Baptist, we have drawn out 6 commitments as a model to follow. Each of these commitments is rooted in the Great Commandments & the Great Commissions of Jesus.

  1. Proclaiming His Second Coming

  2. Ministering Unto God

  3. Living A Consecrated Life

  4. Serving the Nations

  5. Serving The Local Church in Humility

  6. Delighting in His Word

John the Baptist was the forerunner to Jesus' first coming. a partial fulfilment of the prophetic declaration in Isaiah 40. His life, message and ministry served as a witness, preparing and pointing Israel to the Lamb of God.

God is raising up witnesses across the earth in every nation, tribe and tongue (Matthew 24:14) that carry the same spirit as John to prepare the way of the second coming of Jesus. These prophetic voices proclaim and long for His return, desiring for the Son of Man to receive His rightful inheritance of a fully matured Church and establish His reign as King in the nations.

Burning Hearts want to partner with what God is doing by establishing a fellowship of forerunners in Singapore for the nations. Through living the Forerunner Lifestyle, we envision a community of laid-down lovers choosing to live an intentional life of ministry unto the Lord, messengers who eat the scroll and keep His word, and a family of watchmen who live for the appearing of the coming Bridegroom King.

We will discover truths, fast, unabashedly go all in, live authentically, and laugh just because.

The beauty of the Forerunner Lifestyle is this – you are not alone.